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  • Sale! statin_afterstatin_before

    Drug-induced Muscle Damage: Statins for Cholesterol and Diabetes

    Tablets are given to reduce cholesterol for people with high blood pressure or in diabetics. They can lead to muscle degradation leading to aches, pains and cramps of muscles, and eventually in severe cases damaging the kidney. This test is for you.:

    • High cholesterol or lipid levels
    • Risk of heart disease
    • Diabetes
    • Not taking cholesterol-lowering drugs as prescribed (due to pain)

    The genetic test is the only confirmatory and predictive test for Statin-induced myopathy. This is because while most people have muscle pain, some don't and the drug can still be debilitating for them because of the genetic variation.

    Please do not take or modify therapy without your doctor's consultation
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    Cardiology Panels
