ICMR-approved for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) novel coronavirus diagnostic testing use

High-quality Virus and Cell-free Total nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) extraction from Plasma, Serum, Urine, CSF, BALF (bronchoalveolar fluid), VTM (viral transport media, swabs), Water

Performance specifications

Sample amount DNA yield (µg) 260/280 ratio
150 ul 0.2 – 2.0 1.5-2.0

The kit is intended for rapid and efficient isolation of viral and total nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) from the following sample types:
■ Plasma
■ Serum
■ Urine
■ BALF (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid)
■ Cell-free body fluids
■ VTM (viral transport media, swabs)
■ Water

Faster, easier, RNA and DNA extraction

  • One kit for all cell-free sample types: human/animal body fluids, swabs in VTM (viral transport media) to water
  • Exceptional quality RNA and DNA for direct template addition in PCR or RT-PCR
  • Efficient recovery of even low viral loads in the background of high host nucleic acids
  • No time-consuming pre-processing or long incubation steps, no proteinase K incubation

Buy Satogen Virus and Cell-free RNA and DNA kit

Kit downloads

Protocols and examples of DNA isolated from various samples

HIV-1 RNA from Human Plasma and Serum

Total nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) extracted from human plasma and serum samples spiked with HIV-1 RNA were tested using a HIV One-Step real-time RT-PCR kit. As shown, HIV-1 and internal control both performed excellently with early Ct values.

5 ul sample was added in a 20 ul RT-PCR reaction. As shown in the image, the kit detects HIV-1 RNA (left image) on the FAM channel and human GAPDH RNA (right image) as internal control on the HEX channel.VCC HIV-1 GAPDH RNA from Plasma and Serum

DNA from Human Plasma and Serum

Total nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) extracted from human plasma and serum samples were tested using a Sybr Green I-based real-time PCR kit. As shown, all samples worked extremely well in giving early Ct values for Human AMELX/Y gene markers.

5 ul sample was added in a 20 ul real-time PCR reaction. As shown in the image, the kit detects AMELX/Y DNA with high specificity shown by specific melt curves (left image) and high sensitivity shown by early Ct values (right image).VCC AMELXY DNA Ct Tm Plasma Serum

Downstream applications

High yield and quality of RNA and/or DNA enable use in several specialized downstream applications

  • PCR: conventional PCR, real-time PCR, digital PCR
  • Microarrays
  • Sequencing: Sanger, NGS (next generation sequencing)

Kit Contents (50 Spin-column isolations)

  • Lysis Buffer (Buffer VC)
  • Wash Buffer, concentrate* (Buffer RW)
  • Elution Buffer (Buffer RE)
  • Spin columns and Collection Tubes

* Before use, add 100% ethanol to the concentrated wash buffer to make working RW as specified on the bottle

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